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Updated: May 25, 2022

Hello everyone,

Chasing sunshine is all about discovering new ways to live, connect with people and rise to challenges life throws at us. Working as a psychologist for the last 20 years has been an enriching experience. I started my career as a teacher, became a researcher and forayed into counselling and therapy. As the years went by, each of these roles got intertwined and culminated into a combination of all the above. Can I call myself exclusively a mentor, a therapist, a counsellor ? I am not sure. All that I can say with certainty is that I find immense satisfaction in supporting and helping people with behavioral and emotional issues. I use a combination of Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence to help people.

This blog is about sharing experiences, tools and ways to handle our emotions and getting to understand ourselves a little more.

Let's chase sunshine together!

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